How many will you put into your karmic account?! the well known romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





It is almost impossible to avoid to have karmic experiences.

That ... just happens ... without our approval.

But the weird question ... which i have into my mind by a long time … is ... should we bother to attract those karmic experiences ... entering in all sorts of stories ... which in fact we can avoid?!

Is it good?!

It is ... a positive thing for our evolution?!

In general .... or maybe I should say ... overall ... the karmic episodes of our lives are ... a necessity ... for experiencing life ... and become better souls ... but unfortunately ... we don't really know when to stop those stories.

And .... It's so, so damn simple.

We could just say .... "Stop! I don't want that anymore ... ".

And ... actually .... Stop.

But ... we continue.

Yes ... doing lots of stupid things ... in all sorts of weird circumstances.

... which we don't clearly understand.

Life ... just continues.

Someone asked me one day ... "How many will you put into your karmic account?!" ... seeing how i act on the stage of



I wanted to ask her .... "How dare you?!"

But ... I haven't done it.

I knew she was a wise woman .... and most probably she was right.

Meditating ... I've realised that i was indeed into a karmic story.

... and unconsciously i felt it by a long time.

All became ... almost ... a charade.

I continued ... to feel that more and more ... and still ... i was not getting out of there.

The question of that lady ... was driving me crazy.

Unfortunately ... i was not prepared to say ... stop to all.

I liked that ... charade.

I liked living into ... a charade.

The question remained ... until when?!

Why i've waited .... to ruin my whole existence .... when i could simple become conscious ... and clearly understand and accept the signals of my unconscious side.


But ...




Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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