It’s a new day … a new chance to act better on the stage of life  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru





Somehow we live with the illusion that we are here to accomplish our dreams … goals … or those infinite lists with desires.

And because of that … we lose a lot of energy, believing that our focus should be in the direction of getting all what our minds ask for.

But … the Universe … laughing behind our back … is making us the favor of letting us get all we want.

Of course …. with a price.

Sometimes a very big price.

And we believe it’s normal making compromises… on and on and on.

Fighting …

Arguing with the people around us.

We listen to motivational movies … telling us about sacrifices that need to be done for accomplish our dreams … and we believe them.

But you see … nobody bothered to tell us the difference between a dream … and a desire.



Having so, so many of them … asking for such an intense work … the sacrifice looks more like a compromise.

And the compromise becomes … compromises.

More and …. more … until one day … when realizing that in fact absolutely none of those desires ever made us happy.

But we continue life … doing the same things … on and on and on.

Our main purpose …. depending of the level of intelligence of each of us … and the way we care about our lives is related with simple desires, dreams and goals … but …

Once we analyze more … we realize it’s all related with the illusions induces by our minds.

We believe that getting that and that and that … will make us … happy.

Making the stupid mistake of asking the mind, but not the heart … we end up … living for so many days in a row … maybe weeks, months or even years … a life that is offering absolutely … no joy.

Acting in such a stupid way … making the same mistakes on and on and on … could even be defined as a hobby … for us.

And not understanding how we should really act on the stage of life …. and the fact that we are not here to accomplish the infinite list of desires and make lots of sacrifices and compromises for that … but … to understand life and get rid of the illusion of the self … life becomes … a nonsense.

The show continues ….

But maybe for some of us … in time … we realize … a new day becomes a new chance to … act better on the scene of life.


Download the book ”Doing stupid things ... an amazing journeywritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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